The application of the 5th principle of the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms in laws and regulations in Cameroon
The application of the 5th principle of the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms in laws and regulations in Cameroon

This study by PROTEGE QV assesses the application of the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms principle on freedom of assembly and association on the internet in Cameroon. As part of the study, the organisation conducted an online survey and also had a broad consultation with key stakeholders during a workshop to explore the possibility of integrating the use of and access to the internet in Cameroon’s statutes with a particular focus on freedom of association and assembly. This report thus emphasises the urgent need for Cameroon to implement policies and legal frameworks that will promote human rights online in the current digital environment. Recommendations point to the steps that stakeholders can take that are compatible with an existing legal framework governing the exercise of association and assembly rights in the digital age. The study was supported by the AfDec Strategic Advocacy Fund.
Protege QV
Dr Lionel Amahata Kiabega, Serge Daho, Sylvie Siyam, Avis Momemi, Lionelle Tchingoua